The idea here is that I will post bits of personal literature and subject them to the harsh criticisms of the online community. That being said, I welcome any, preferably constructive, criticisms. After all, the finest wines are all made from stepped on grapes. So be cruel if need be; these are all living documents which I hope to make better with age.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nature's Dissidence

I promised myself I would post something, at the least, once a week. Several larger projects are still in the works so this will have to do for now. I promise, no more fable-esque stories for a while.

Early one evening, a roar of thunder tore through a suburban home, shaking up everything inside.

The family dog wormed it's way into the cramped confines of an open cupboard and the family quit their bickering long enough to stop and listen to the approaching storm. Mother nature would have the last say in this argument.

The sky gestured to speak again as a flash lit up the yard – setting the family in an anticipation streaked daze. Again, the house was rattled by the din of rolling thunder and a battering rain began to fall in heavy gobs. No one in the house dared interrupt as their petty qualms couldn't compete with nature's fury.

The lights flickered as power lines swayed in blustering winds. Still no one spoke. When the power finally went out the father and son set to work lighting candles, while the mother held her frightened daughter.

The accumulation of dishes in the sink, the stress of unpaid bills, the clumps of dog hair on the sofa, the neglect of a mother-in-law's birthday, trouble in school, and the broken dryer suddenly seemed like like distant problems.

The storm raged late into the night, and the family, for the first time in years, set a fire in the hearth. Huddled around the fire, the family spent their time in each others comfort, not arguing, but roasting marshmallows.

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